Chiropractic is a complete system of healthcare focused on restoring, preserving, and optimizing health by natural hands-on care. Where conventional or “allopathic” medicine focuses on curing illness through surgery and pharmaceuticals, the goal of chiropractic is to optimize health with a non-invasive approach that does not use drugs or surgery. Chiropractic’s primary avenue of care is manipulation of the spine and the framework of the body. The spine is an important structure that houses and provides protection for the spinal cord, while providing mobility for the body. This dual requirement of strength and flexibility makes the spine a very complex structure, with multiple joints at each spinal segment (the vertebrae) forming the spinal column. When these joints (also known as articulations) are not positioned or functioning normally, it can affect the nerves, muscle, ligaments and discs associated with the joint. These misalignments are termed Subluxations. Chiropractic care is designed to focus on these Subluxations by means of a Chiropractic Adjustment.